ROGERS Hockeyfest all started in 1989 at Cantel in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
The Civil & Installations department’s started a two team League which quickly became popular! Just the following season this league became a foursome with three teams (Installations, Civil & Service Centre) and one from Ericsson.
An idea was brought forward to go some place outside of the Montreal area to play a weekend tournament which would include the above mentioned teams but also our counterparts in the Maritime's. We decided on Fredericton NB as the 1st Hockey Tournament venue. I do not necessary want to go through details about the bus ride with 50 hockey players, but you can imagine the centre isle of the bus stacked with cases of 2-4’s! It was a memorable tournament won by the Montreal Installation's group.
In November 1993 the company restructured and from this our VP of Operation’s (Liam Mahoney) decided to bring employees together, and what better way to do this? Create a HockeyFest event! Thus Liam chose a midway point that would be Kingston ON. Hence the 1st HockeyFest was born in February 1994. Teams from Montreal, Toronto and Ericsson participated in this one day event.
From this point on everyone who participated in the 1st HockeyFest knew we had something good going on and had to continue this event in a yearly fashion.
During the first 5 years the event that was held in Kingston, Liam Mahoney left for AT&T Wireless in New York. The Man who initiated HockeyFest did not want to miss out on this yearly event even though he was hundreds of miles away! So He gathered a bunch of determined employees rented hockey gear, packed their bags and hopped on a bus to Kingston! The majority of all AT&T Wireless players never laced-up skates nor even held a hockey stick in their hands! What an impressive seen!
Then in 1999 the HockeyFest event went South of the border to Uncle Sam and the beautiful Lake Placid NY Olympic venue. Organized by AT&T Wireless and Cantel AT&T, this would become the start of a tradition we know today, changing city to city each year.
This event is comprised of three divisions. Each year we automatically get this event off and running, it almost like it’s part of the Rogers constitution! A steering committee of Rogers Employees and our participating team’s representatives set-up this event each year. Many people give their time and effort to organize this event and many volunteers participate which gives this HockeyFest the success it is!
©2010-2019 HockeyFest Team All logos used with permission.